
The ups and downs of my day

Up: I woke up and was in a good mood.
Up: I had time to read some funny things online
before heading out for a day of softball
Up: I found (and found on time) the place I was supposed to meet my team at.
Down: The ump made us take of all of our jewelry. This included the good luck bracelet.
Up: I was sneaky and tied it to my ankle.
Down: Sometime during the first game I slid into a base and scraped up my leg.
Down: Also during the first game I got nailed in the arm with a pitch. It really really hurt. I have a bruise.
Up: We won that game.
Up: I got to relax for an hour, lying in the shade reading a book.
Down: That book was homework.
Up: The part I read was humorous.
Down: I started to get tired.
Down: In the second game the girl at second base had the ball so I tried to run around her only she took out my legs with her tag and I sprained my ankle. That really, really, really hurt. Worse than the bruise.
Down: I got tagged out.
Down: Now I limp.
Up: I managed to hold back the tears.
Up: I played I was okay and got to stay in the game.
Down: It really hurt to run.
Up: We won that game too.
Up: That meant we went to the championship game.
Up: I didn't get hurt during that game.
Down: My ankle really hurt, though.
Up: My arm didn't hurt anymore.
Down: We lost the championship game.
Up: We put up a good fight and the score was tied until the seventh.
Up: We got consolation medals. Big ones.
Up: I got named an All-star. I got a sweet plaque. It is big too.
Down: I misspelled plaque as plague.
Up: I corrected it.
Down: After playing three games today, I am exhausted.
Down: I had to say good bye to my cousins who are going to live with their mom for the school year.
Up: I get to spend a (hopefully) quite evening at home enjoying my French Silk Blizzard from the Dairy Queen.


Kaia said...

You seem to have been very injury prone today.

Anonymous said...

That was a very amusing account of your day. I would've rather read that than read Frakenstein today, that was my down. All-Star?
Congrats!!!! That's really cool. And big medals?!! Even cooler!!!
Anyway, glad you had a good day, hope you don't limp to long.