
Ambitiousness and how it disappeared

Well, it all started about 8:30 this morning. I got up, went through my sites, listened to the latest installment of the podcast, and set to work. I had a meeting with Mr. B. at ten so before that I finished filling out my passport stuff and got a letter ready to mail. I fixed my schedule and applied for my passport ($97!). I helped Kris with her blog and then met with my girl scout leader to discuss my gold award. Then I had a girl scout meeting, then I went to work. As I type this, I realize that it is not near as impressive as it sounded in my head. I was thinking to myself, "Well, Sam, just because after work you didn't really feel like finishing some things on you Gold Award project, you still got a lot done today." Only, I really didn't. And now, at 22:30, I still have to finish up that stuff. I am postponing it by doing this. I will double check all of my sites before I even start. Actually by the time I finish it will be midnight. If I finish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is some sort of disease...I do the exact same thing