
The cutest thing ever

I got back from Alabama today. The trip was good, but it's good to be back.

Anyway, in the Minneapolis airport, I saw the most adorable thing ever. I would have cried if it had been a movie that I was watching, and not live and in front of a hundred people. I have to maintain an image, you know ;).

Let me paint you a picture of the male leader on our trip. He is tall. Like 6 foot 8 tall. That is almost 7 feet, which is about two feet (or 40%) taller than me, to give you some perspective. And he is black. These things combined give him a...formidable appearance. But don't get me wrong, he was a great leader, and he is a very likable guy. Intellegent and everything. Just a little intimidating at first sight.

Anyway, we are walking to baggage claim, and I didn't know he was about 15 feet behind us. I see these two little kids come running at me, and I'm like...um...those kids are going to run into us. And then I see the leader running (or rather taking long quick steps, as it takes a lot to get him running), and the oldest and fastest of the kids dodges out of our way and yells "Daddy!" right before he leaps into the air. The leader bends to his knees to catch the boy, just as the younger also throws his arms around his neck. Seriously, I almost died. While we were getting our bags, the boys wouldn't let go of him. It was adorable, and the kids were cuties too. I think a guy has to be a pretty good dad for his kids to miss him that much. I wonder if I was like that with my dad when I was a kid.