
Fake people and how they bug me

I know a lot of people who come into where I work. Some of them I know because they are regulars, some because they are teachers, some are friends of my parents, some are kids at my school. I have to say that one of my biggest pet peeves is fake people. People with their false smiles, their forced laughter, their meaningless conversations. Countless members from my class at school enter to order overpriced coffee. They see me and don their expressions of surprised recognition. "Hey! How have you been?!? How's your summer been going?" they ask, as if they know me, as if they care. What can I do? In my head I think what I want to say. I don't think I've talked to you since 5th grade. And I think that was because we were doing a class project in teacher-picked groups. It is nice that you've taken such an interest in my life. Would you remember my name if it wasn't on my nametag? But, I confess, I could not actually be that mean. I wish I could be though. Then I wouldn't be forced to answer in the sickeningly sweet voice that I hate, with my own smile that doesn't reach my eyes. "Hey! I've been really busy working. Haha. Yeah. Oh, my summer is going well. And how's yours going?" even though I don't care. It wouldn't be so bad, I wouldn't mind it near as much, if these people were people who talked to me at school. They don't even have to be my friends. A simple "Hey" would do when we are the only two in the hallway. But these are the same people who I could sit next to in three different classes and they would ignore me. What actually brought this chain of thoughts on was on girl in my class who came in to work the other day. She is in my class, and has been for as long as I can remember. She came in and ordered. She didn't ask questions that she didn't care the answers to. As much as I dislike her (for her morals, actions, etc) I admire the fact that she did not feel the need to act as though she knew me at all. I don't know if I am the only one who thinks this way, who hates artificial people. I am probably the only one who even thinks about it.


Kaia said...

AAAH!!! I know what you mean. There was this crazy lady at Maurices today. Seriously. She was so fake happy, I had to stop myself from hitting my head against the wall. I would try to hide in my little stall everytime she came to see how things were going. If she saw me, she would do some fake gushing about how she just loves that outfit. I cannot even but into words how fake she was. It drove me crazy!!!

Samantha said...

Everytime I see you Dylan, I am going to try to remember to wink. ;)

Samantha said...

I think, Dylan, you missunderstood me. The more I thought about your reply the more I thought that you did. I think it is great that random people feel inclined to greet thier fellow man. I love talking to people I don't know at the Larkspur. Today, for instance, I found out that one of the customers is living in the Cities right now but is moving down to the area. She thinks Minneapolis is a little too violent. So what bugs me is when people you know, but never talk to, for instance classmates, pretend like they are your best friend, when you both know that you aren't. Do you kind of see what I mean? And were you asking me or Kaia about deeper meaning?