
Ghosts and such

While I was immersing myself in Frankenstein last week I came across something that stuck in my mind. "In my education my father had taken the greatest precautions that my mind should be impressed with no supernatural horrors. I do not even remember to have trembled at a tale of superstition, or to have feared the apparition of a spirit. Darkness had no effect upon my fancy; and a churchyard was to me merely the receptacle of bodies deprived of life, which, from being the seat of beauty and strength, had become food for the worm." I was thinking of this and wondering if it really worked that way. Sometimes when I am in a graveyard, respectfully visiting the site of someone who has gone before me, I can't help but shiver as I feel a cool wind or the whispering of nearby trees. I don't immediately jump to the conclusion that is must be a ghost, but it lingers in the back of my mind. You could say I am superstitious. I do ritual things, (no, not like cult rituals). Just like the same things over and over when they produce good results. Like using a certain pencil on an exam. And I guess you could say I believe in ghosts, but I've never seen one. But I'm not afraid of the dark. Unless, I guess, when I am outside, alone. But even then it isn't a fear of the supernatural. It is the fear of a man hiding in the shadows ready to attack me. I was just thinking that if people were brought up not even knowing about supernatural things would they even notice that something is supernatural? Would they attribute a sudden freezing chill all through their body to something completely natural, and not think that there was a possibility that the ghost that lives in the attic just walked through them? I will go as far as to say are ghost real, or just a figment of the imaginations that believe in them?


Kaia said...

Who is siA73? I looked at their blog and they talk about a Sam, but then they refer the Sam as a he??? What?

Anyways, I don't know why my name only changed on that one post! Hmmmmm... Technically my username is still kaia88 (that's how I sign on) I just changed everything to eucatastrophe06, because that is a better-sounding name.

I'm sorry, this had nothing to do with your post, did it?!

Samantha said...

SiA73 did talk about Sam as a boy. You think he/she is talking about me? I assumed they were. I commented on their blog that I was a girl, but maybe they were thinking of a different Sam.