

"There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide. " We are reading Emerson in a class that I am in, and I must say, he has some good ideas. I especially like the one about being original. It is such a good idea, and I wish more people went along with it. I wish I went along with it more. "Imitation is suicide." Ah, this is so true. When you are imitaing someone else, you are killing your own personality. I have a great example of this. I was at a program one time and these five girls were sitting in a line, with their legs crossed the same direction, the same shoes, the same hair style and practically the same close. It was like they were clones. I encourage you to be yourself. Don't worry about being different or getting laughed at. Be true to your values, even if people think your wrong or don't understand. Don't worry about being misunderstood. A lot of people were misunderstood. Some of them turned out to be pretty important to history and science and the world: Jesus, Newton, Galileo, Socartes. Even Emerson says "To be great is to be misunderstood." So be youself, be misunderstood, be great.


Moods and Rain

(sigh) I woke up at 7:28 this morning. I had to be to work at 7:30. Oops. Needless to say, I was a little late. I had a pretty good night last night. I went with a friend of mine out to someone's house for a party. We started a bon fire and burned a couch. It was fun. The flames got really really bright and big and it got so hot that we had to stand like twenty feet away. The plastic was melting. There weren't that many people there, because it was raining. Then my friend and I came back into town and met some other friends at a movie. It was a good move called Fever Pitch. I liked it , but I am partial to baseball so...Anyway, the real reason I am posting is to tell you about a theory I have. Well, not really a theory, just a thing. It's called I decided to go against the grain. Why do people wake up on a rainy day and say to themselves "Man, it is going to be a bad day."? I most certianly don't know. These same people wake up on sunny days and tell themselves it is going to be a good day. Well, I decided that if it is raining I am going to have a good day. Today is a really good day, because it is raining really hard. I love the rain. It is beautiful. I think I want to live in Seattle becaue it rains there a lot. Or maybe England. (sigh) I love it.


A great thing (so I'm told)

Well, I just shared with a couple of people in my Spanish class a little trick I picked up on the road to El Dorado. It's called CTRL + F = Find. Your welcome, beause I (apparently) just gave you an extra day of free life. Let me tell you how. If you do not know, that little trick is what you type in when your on a website and your looking for a specific part of the website. For example, if you are looking up stuff about the conquista de Columbia, and you are on a site about Colombia, you can type in that little trick and then type in a word your looking for and it will bring you right to the word on the site. *Note that on Macs the trick is OPEN APPLE + F =Find. Again, your welcome for giving you that extra time you will save from searching for the information you want.



i JuSt ThOuGhT i'D gIvE yOu An UpDaTe. NoThInG iS rEaLlY nEw, ThOuGh. ExCePt, I aM rEaLlY bUsY, aS yOu CaN sEe. ThErE aRe SeVeRaL tHiNgS i CoUlD bE dOiNg... CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS iF yOu SoLvEd ThE cOdE. yOu WiLl HaVe An AdVaNtAgE tHe NeXt TiMe I pOsT iN cOdE. hApPy ApRiL fOoL's DaY. mY cLaSsMaTeS aNd I pLaYeD a FeW cLeVeR tRiCkS oN sOmE oF oUr TeAcHeRs. ThAt WaS kInDa FuN...gOoD bYe.

Posthumously Famous

I have recently (today) come to realize that a lot of people who are well known didn't become well known until after they had died. I know there is a huge list of them, i just can't think of them. I can think of Edgar Allan Poe, because I'm reading one of his stories. I'm afraid I can't recall anyone else though...I know there was an artist...Davinci maybe...or Van Gogh...I don't know. If you think of any leave me a post.