

Yes, I know, I promised something profound. But I just don't have anything right now. I'm drawing a blank...which if you think about it is a wierd statment. I might as well not I'm be drawing. But, all the same, I have nothing to write about, however you want to look at it. So, for lack of something better, I guess I'll tell you about a little thing that my friend and I did for another friend of ours. You see, my friend is going to school in Germany right now, and I think she is a little homesick, becuase she used to live here, and all of her family still lives here. Well, as it was Valentine's Day the other day, my friend and I thought it'd be nice to send my friend in Germany a flower. We had some dificulty with translations and address and stuff but we finally send her the flower. And guess what? She loved it. Actually I think that what she loved was that we sent it to her. I'll tell you another story. I sent a free e-card to my Grandma. It was nothing special, just a Happy V-day one, but I made her cry, "good tears" though, she said. I made her happy. The moral of the story in these cases is that even a little bit of love can make someone's whole day, maybe even their week, or month. Have you even though how much impact something as little as a greeting and a smile can do for someone? For example, at my work we have a sign that says "do not touch, cover may be hot" right next to our soups that we serve. Well, there was a man in today who not only lifted the cover to see the soup, but proceeded to drop the cover into the soup. Needless to say, that is why we have the sign. But anyway, after that he started to order his meal, but he stopped himself and said "first of all, hi, how are you doing today?" and he smiled. Now, I can tell you that I smiled natualy back, because in that minute, he was nice, and it made a difference, even if it was only to me. Maybe what happened was I brought that smile to the next person I saw, and they to the next they saw, and so on. Sometimes I lose faith in the human race. I'm sure you'd agree that it's not hard to do. Bad things are always happening to reinforce our ideas of diminishing society. I think that we have to do is be nicer to each other. It won't solve all the problems, but it would be a good start.



I know you are all concerned because I haven't posted in a while that maybe I died, or I became incapacitated, but alas, I am still here. I apoligize that I have not had the time to enlighten you with my profound thoughts but I have been unavoidably detained (no, not by the police...er, or the FBI). I have been very busy with my studies. It is all very annoying. I had the unfortunate destiny of getting all three of my college courses in one semester. It equals out to me having little time to write in this blog between the homework and, well, the other homework, and not to mention the homework, but thats besides the point. I promise that I will not make you wait past the weekend to read anymore of my thought provoking comments and I may even get something posted by Friday, but I don't want you to get your hopes up. Regretably, I must sign off and continue to expand my horizons with the never ending line of homework.


Aurora Borealis

I've decided that when I write in my blog I can be a little depressing and I some times have a "the whole world is against me" mindset. So this time I decided to tell you about my favorite thing in the universe. It's called the Aurora Borealis, informally known as the Northern Lights. The first (and so far only) time I saw them was this November. I was driving home with my brother, we were in the country, maybe 8 or 9 mile out of town, and we were driving down into a valley and all of a sudden I was them over a hill. It was the coolest thing I have seen to this day. The entire area was black, except for the stars and the beautiful streamers of color. I pulled off the road and we watched them for a while, except I think we were on private property, so we drove back into town. One of the perks of living in such a small town like me is that there isn't many lights, especially on the edge by my house, so I could still see them. They were green, pink, white and wonderful. I think that when I die I want someone to scatter my ashes under the northern lights. I could watch them forever, just laying in the snow, staring at the sky. It would be great. I'm going to go to Alaska or Canada, for the sole purpose of seeing them again.