
Turning Points

I think I'm at a bit of a cross roads in my life. I'm sort of caught in between two forces, and they are driving me away. I hate what it is doing to me, but in a way, I can see that it is good for me. When I figure out what I'm going to do, or whether I do anything at all, I know that I will be a better person. More mature, more confident. Better equipped to handle certain situations. I have come to a point in my life where I have to decide what is really important to me. It is a hard choice, trust me. It has a lot to do with things that won't matter in ten years, or probably even five years, so that is making the decision easier. I'm sure I will just ride out the storm, but in my heart, and my head, I will know what my decision is, and I will live by it.

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