
People and how I dislike asking them for help when I know I can do something better than them or am to proud to ask them for help in the first place

Here are several more titles this post could be called:
People and how I don't trust them to do things
People and how they are incompetent
People and how they drive me nuts
Me and how I just want to scream

If you haven't already noticed, I am a little on edge. This is partly because I have had a couple espressos and partly because I just got home from a very stressful three and a half hour shift at my job. I apologize in advance for my cynicism.

I discovered today that I really don't like asking for help. There are different situations to this though. One situation, for example, is when there are a lot of things to do at work and there is a very very very very slow guy (who, for the sake of anonymity we will can Big Q) working with me. Now, to paint you a picture, when I say slow, I mean he is lost-to-a-turtle-in-the-hundred-yard-dash-by-one-hundred-yards slow. Trust me, that is slow. Plus, he isn't even very good at the jobs it takes him an hour to do. It isn't even like he is slow in a good everything-he-does-is-perfect kind of way. Anyway, basically I won't ask him to do things that would help me because I know that I can get the things done better and with more efficiency than him, even though this makes me very angry and stressed out. Another situation that this little issue arises in is when I know I can do something just as well as someone else, even though I could probably use the help. I, I think, like to prove that I can do things. This happens, actually, quite a bit when I do homework. I know that if I ask for help from a teacher, or a human encyclopedia, that I will figure out what I am doing much quicker than if I try to do it myself, but alas, I don't ask because I am to stubborn and proud to. Now, when I do ask for help it is usually because of one of two reasons. One being I gave up and concieted that I need help in figuring something out. Two is that I am just being lazy and would appreciate someone else doing it for me. The later doesn't happen that often, and when it does it is a work, so Kaia, Audrey, you can't get out of helping me with stuff by saying I am just being lazy.

Now that I have vented and release some of my anger, I feel better. My hands are still shaking, but it is now because of the caffeine.

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