
Senior picture madness

Well, I've come to the point in my life when it becomes necessary to have pictures taken of me and only me. I don't really know why this tradition started, but I tell you, it is dumb. First of all, my is being slightly psychotic about it (only she pretends that she isn't). Also, what the heck am I supposed to wear? Seriously, I want to wear something that is comfortable and expresses who I actually am. My mom on the other hand wants me to wear things that make me look nice, but that I wouldn't ever dream of wearing to school (Actually, most of the things she wants me to wear I wouldn't be caught dead it). Anyway, all these pictures are really causing are headaches and stomach ulcers (kidding on the ulcers...). I mean, there are so many choices. Not only do you have to choose what to wear, but you have to pick more than one outfit. I think my mom has me up to four! Then you have to choose the pictures to be inside or outside or both. And when you choose inside you have to choose your backgrounds. And when you go outside, where do you start? Do you want a picture by the river? or against that pretty building? or on those rocks over there? how about in front of those flowers? Then you have to choose what clothes would look the best outside and which would look good inside. Man! And that's not all. On no, then after the pictures are taken, you're supposed to choose the ones you like the best. What if they all look good? How are you supposed got narrow it down? What if they all look awful? How do you pick the ones that look least worse? And then you have to choose how many of that one you want, and in what sizes. And how about this one, how many of this one? Argh! All the new clothes I got I can't even wear until after these dumb pictures for fear of spilling something on them. And I wont let myself where my sweet new shoes because I don't want to get a scuff on them right away. I will be so happy when this is done.

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