
Hidden Agenda

Okay, here's the deal. Does everyone have a hidden agenda? Are they really who they seem to be, or do they pretend to be someone they're not because they want something. They teach you things in school, but is what you learn the truth, or just what they want you to believe? This sounds like a conspiracy but how can you tell what's the truth and what's made up? You've been told your intire life that something is without a doubt true, but what if it's not? They only told you it was true because they wanted you to believe it so that you'd be on their side. Politics are a good example. They want your vote, so they tell you what you want to here, and you believe them, because they're good at what they do. The government uses the media as a tool of they're control. The media passes on to you news of what's happening with in the government, or rather, the media passes on the news that the government wants you to know, so you won't think they're as bad as they really are. It's not even only with government. It's with everything. If someone says something with conviction and a few "statistics" you're bound to believe them. You're none the wiser, how are you supposed know. All you have to go on is a little blind faith. Pretty soon the thin line between what's true and false will be completly erased and you wont know who to trust or what to believe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see what you mean and it's entirely logical. I wish too that we would know when we know the truth and when we don't. But what then? If you knew that aliens had actually landed in Roswell, how would your life be different?
I wonder what recent event has put you on this street, but I don't think that everyone has a hidden agenda. Goals, wants to satisfy perhaps, but agendas, or set ways that the world should work? I don't know.