

You may or may not know that thirty two years ago today something very influential happened. It may have changed the coarse of human events forever. It was one decision, made by the U. S. Supreme Court that legalized abortion. This decision still causes controversy, and probably will forever. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I for one don't see how anyone can agree with the decision to legalize murder. It's going beyond freedom. If we were free to go around killing people because we didn't really want them around...well, I would be a little scared. There are those of you out there that say that killing an unborn child isn't murder, but to you I say how can it not be? You're ending what could have been a wonderful life. The child that has just been ruthlessly murdered could have grown up to cure cancer, or found a way to live on Mars, and even if they didn't, what gives you the right to decide whether or not they should live? I think that if God didn't want the child to live, he would have found his own way to end their life. If you decide to kill a child you're playing God, and that's not your job. About 126,000 abortions occur everyday. That's 45 times the amount of people killed in the 9/11 attacks. Why doesn't everyone just take a step back and think about what life actually means.

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