
So...hypocrites. I'm not a big fan. I know that I probably have my own hypocritical moments, but still. The reason this came about actually, is because of something I remembered. I don't even think this is considered hypocrisy, but it reminds me of it all the same, so I will tell you about it. There is this girl. She is nice. A bit judgmental and pretty overbearing at times, but still good overall. When I held my position of power in the last play, she came to me in search of a part and told me how angry she would be if this other girl got the part. She pretty much went on and on about how much she would be mad if that happened. Well, as it turned out, the first girl did get the part, and the second girl was pissed. Pissed. She stopped talking to the first girl for at least a week. Well, now, as it turns out, these two girls are practically best friends. How about that. Maybe people just change...or are you friends when it is convenient and it betters yourself, but not when your "friends" set you back?

1 comment:

Kaia said...

I agree with your post and all, in fact I was going to post about hypocrisy...someday. Anyways, when I was reading this, a different thought occured to me. What if you consider it a fight between two friends? Imagine, you are friends with someone, and you are both competing for a full-tuition scholarship. One person gets it and the other doesn't. There would be a lot of hard feelings there, and it is possible that the person not receiving the scholarship would be a little sore. Depending on the people, they might end up not talking to each other or being angry at each other for awhile. But, if they are good enough friends, they would be able to get over it eventually and be friends with the person. Basically, they recognize that the anger isn't worth destroying the friendship over, and so they work through their anger and are friends again.

I was thinking about what I just wrote, and I decided that it may be very different for guys and girls. I know I am generalizing, but girls and guys tend to fight differently. (cough*girlsholdgrudges*cough) Any thoughts, Dylan? Do you think such a situation mostly occurs with girls, or is it more universal?