

This is a difficult topic for me. I just can't decide if it is right or wrong to lie in some situations. Obviously I know it is wrong to lie in real situations, for example when you are in court, or talking about something really important. The situations I'm talking about are like minimal things. On the really low side, you have the things that are physical...Like if someone asks you if you like their new hair cut. Personally, you hate it. You think it looks god awful. Do you tell them that? Or do you LIE and say that you like it. I usually try to avoid saying anything if I don't like something, but if it comes up, I will lie. I will tell them what will make them happy, as long as it won't hurt them in the long run. What harm is there in telling someone you like their hair, when you really don't? You've saved their self esteem a little, is all. It isn't like the world will end, because of that white lie, right? And what could they do about it anyway? Make their hair grow back? No, so it doesn't really matter. You've avoided conflict. A natural thing to do. I hate when people say things to me that they should keep to themselves. I have one friend, who ever time I'm around her, she points out a flaw in me. Every time. It never fails. It's come to the point where I don't even like being around her because she makes me feel bad about myself. It is almost like she does it just to feel superior to me. People don't have to be that honest. I won't be that honest, and I'm a pretty blunt person. It isn't just those physical situations though, there are others. I think over the course of this post, I've come to the conclusion that lying is okay in situations where neither party is getting hurt mentally, emotionally, or physically. So then, if by your lying to them, they are put into physical danger, or their heart breaks, or they become schizophrenic, then lying is bad. But lying is also bad if it creates false hope/esteem. The lying can't be taken so far that someone how is terrible at a sport thinks they are the best thing since Babe Ruth. That would be out of line. I don't know though, what do you guys think?


Samantha said...

What if honesty puts me at the risk of losing my job? What if my manager asks me how I like working at the Larkspur, and I honestly reply that I hate it beause of the women who works in the kitchen? What if, based on my response, they decide that they no longer need my services and "cut costs" by getting rid of me? Is honesty better than?

Samantha said...

I suppose I don't hate it. And I agree that nuetral answers are better than lying, when they are possible.