
It's funny, when I'm angry I drive faster. All I want to do is be away from people as long as I can and all I do is bring myself closer to them faster. I can't believe my mom. She thinks I'm some stupid teenager destined to make the same mistakes she did when she was my age. I just want to scream, "Mom! I'm not you! I have morals. I'm not stupid," in a very accusing tone. I would, but it would be sure to offend her, and I would be sure to be grounded. She doesn't even know me. Maybe I don't want to talk to her. Maybe the things I'm thinking are too personal for her to know. When I just stare into space and blink back tears, she asks me why I'm so upset and I just want to tell her to leave me alone but she won't. I'm so angry. My stomach is upset. My head hurts. My eyes burn with tears. Grrr.


Kaia said...

What do you against titling your blog entries anyway?

Anyway, it made me smile when I picture what would happen if you told your mom you aren't like you because you have morals.

On a more serious note, I'm sorry that your mom angered you, but she's just worried about you. Mothers have a tendency to do that sometimes. Hmmmm...

Kaia said...

I'm sorry. I meant to say "...you aren't like her because you have morals."

Samantha said...

Yeah, I can just imagine her reaction.

Samantha said...

And I don't really like titles.