
A soldier on my mind

I know, two in one day, what can I say. There is just this guy on my mind. When I walked into church this morning with my brother, we went to the same general area where we usually sit, then we picked the pew with the most room left in it, so as not to be squished next to someone unpleasant. It just so happens that we sat down to this guy who looked vaguely familiar. This is not the see-him-in-church-every-week familiarity though. Actually I am pretty sure he came into Larkspur with a buddy of his a couple times over the summer for lunch. They came in their National Guard uniforms. Anyway, even if it wasn't the same guy, I know he was in the Guards, or some kind of military. You can always tell because they are the only ones who wear their hair that short. No one does that voluntarily. He was also wearing dog tags, and he had a really strong grip. So, after Communion, when everyone is reflecting, I noticed he was really into his prayer, and that is when it dawned on me, really. I'm sure that he (if in fact he is a soldier, because I am not 100 percent sure) if being deployed to Iraq in a bit. I can't even begin to guess what someone in his shoes is feeling. I would be so scared. The whole time I would be thinking about how I might not be coming home again, how I may not see my family once more, how the last thing I see before I die could be desert and sand, instead of beautiful trees and lakes. I couldn't do it. I admire those who can. I admire their strength, their security, their faith. I look up to them, wish I had what it took.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's really kewl that you think that. I don't think enough people take in the significance and seriousness of the situation over there.

My best friend just went there on Friday, I was devastated. Glad there are people in the world like you.