
Things that generally annoy me

1. Being able to hear people talking, but not able to understand what they are saying. I would rather not hear anything then hear nothing but random exclamations and tone changes.

2. 8 a.m.

3. People who wash their dirty dishes over the top of my clean ones...when they are obviously clean, and when there is an empty sink right next to the full one, and when I am sitting at the table eating my meal, clearly intent on drying and putting away the dishes when I am done.

3. Inefficiency.

4. Snide, pointed comments. Just come out and say it, do not pretend you are being sneaky and subtle. You are being mean.

5. Really loud TV (see number 1)

6. People who say "Lets meet tomorrow at four to work on our project" and then text me at 5 and say "Oh, can we meet tomorrow instead."

1 comment:

Hayley said...


this was funny to read though. i promise i will always come right out and say it.