
Steam of Conscience


2:41 am

frictiva: fffff, tthhhh, ssss, ggggg. Oclusiva: dah, buh, muh...what are the others. Dang it. I knew them before...study again in the morning...the morning, only a few hours away. I'm tired, yet wide awake. I should go to sleep. Stop thinking, Sam. Clear your mind. Maybe I should count. one...two...three...oooh! my favorite number. 3 x 3 is 9 x 3 is 27. I wonder what the square root of 3 is. Between 1.5 and 2...1.8 something? 1.7? STOP. go to sleep. close your eyes. take deep breaths...in...out...in...out...


I still have to write a page for my paper. What should I say. I should have finished. Oh, I forgot to sign out of messenger. I wonder if anyone will talk to me...No of coarse not, stupid. The rest of the world goes to sleep at this time. Why am I still awake?? I hope that girl gets a flight with me. I wonder if we should get a room in a hostel. Should we leave the airport during the layover? It will be a long time, and we will be in Poland. That could be interesting. I wonder how a person gets kicked off a train. Stealing away, obviously, but other than that. Do airlines have the same stipulations in all countries in terms of carry-ons? I wonder how much liquidy stuff I can bring. Toothpaste. Is mascara liquid? What about cover up? Does that exceed the limit? What should I pack? Mostly just clothes. and tampons. They don't have tampons with applicators there, they just have the tampon. Ew. A girl in my class has mono. What if I get mono in Spain. God that would be stupid. I need to go to sleep. Ugh. Just take deep breaths and you will drift off. Come on.


Why is it that when I want to go to sleep the most, I can't. Maybe I should keep studying. no. don't think. close your eyes. Close 'em! Whoa. If I watch the colorless paterns on the inside of my eyelids and make my mind hazy and then shift my eyes really fast, I feel like my head is actually spinning. It is like I can get out of my body. Ohh. Stop that. It is making me sick. No, stop. Great, not I can't keep my head still. Open your eyes. Now close them. Again. Okay. Try to think about something. I wonder if my friends will be the same when they come back. How much will they change. They sound the same online. But that is just typing. I wonder if they find a National Treasure to go to in Europe if they will go without me. Well, why would they find such an overtly American movie in Europe anyway. And I was going to go without them once, and then once when they came back. So what is the difference then, as long as we go together. I wonder when it is too soon to call them to hang out. Family time is good, I know....


Twenty five more minutes of this and I will have laid here for and hour. One whole freaking hour that I could have been studying...or sleeping...hhhh.....


Hayley said...

oh dear. you are too funny. stop worrying. i will still be your friend when you get back. duh. maybe just not as funny...because you won't be here to laugh at me. lol god...that's sad.

Kaia said...

That was amazing...I kept wanting to comment on it as I went along. Here is what I remember.

3x3 = 9 and 9x3 = 27. I do that all the time. Also, the other day I was bored in class and, because I bought my school supplies here and they are graph paper and for some reason that just occured to me, I started graphing functions. And then I missed calculus even though I have forgotten everything except that they use the word derivative.

I doubt that we'll go to National Treasure w/o you. But it's totally ok with me if you go before we get back...I'd want to see it twice too.

I don't think I've changed a whole lot. Developed as a person? Probably yes, but I don't think it's anything visible to others. Well, except the bangs...and I say "vale" a lot... And feel free to call anytime after Christmas. I totally want to do stuff with you before you go off to Spain and I go off to the amazing land of Fargo-Moorhead.

They have the same liquid policies in Europe. Except it is the proportional amount in mL. And toothpaste counts. And mascara. And deodorant. And many other things. but that is just for hand luggage.

That is all. I hope your paper went ok!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the same for me as what Kaia said, except for the Calculus thing...anytime after Christmas is good, especially since I will be out of town for New Year's. :(