

Is it called irony when bad things happen to good people? Talk about cruelly ironic. I hate unfairness. Why do good people have to be hurt? Good people, who smile everyday, who actually care about you, who love, who enjoy life to the fullest. Why do they need to feel the pain of loss? Why does it have to be so hard? Why does a child have to die? I can't image what they must be going through. To have to take that kind of loss is one thing, but then to have to go home to the house, to the room that you had specially painted for the child, to the faces of your other waiting children, to tell them the news, to let them down, it would be unbearable. I don't know that I could keep living.

Dear God,
Give them the strength and courage to go on. Help them to continue living their lives. Support them as they struggle through this hardship. Don't let them loose faith, let them believe, let them learn. Show them how to move on, for their other children, for each other, for themselves. Be with them. Please.

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