

I know you are all concerned because I haven't posted in a while that maybe I died, or I became incapacitated, but alas, I am still here. I apoligize that I have not had the time to enlighten you with my profound thoughts but I have been unavoidably detained (no, not by the police...er, or the FBI). I have been very busy with my studies. It is all very annoying. I had the unfortunate destiny of getting all three of my college courses in one semester. It equals out to me having little time to write in this blog between the homework and, well, the other homework, and not to mention the homework, but thats besides the point. I promise that I will not make you wait past the weekend to read anymore of my thought provoking comments and I may even get something posted by Friday, but I don't want you to get your hopes up. Regretably, I must sign off and continue to expand my horizons with the never ending line of homework.

1 comment:

Kaia said...

I'm waiting for that post you promised...