
Okay seriously, now what do I do?

I took this fairly extensive test, though obviously not fool proof. It was about who I am closest related to, ideologically. I took it because I don't know who to vote for, or even if I should vote. I know, I know. There are a ton of reasons to vote. Our generation is under represented, we need to be heard, etc. etc. I just don't want to vote for someone I don't support. I don't want to pick the lesser of two evils, and I don't think I should have to.

The results of the test are as follows:
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) 67.74% match
Ralph Nader (Independent) - 67.74% match
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 66.13% match
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 58.06% match
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 38.71% match
John McCain (Republican) - 22.58% match

Isn't it convenient that the candidates I am most compatible with I have barely heard of, and have pretty much no chance of winning the election? If I voted for any of them, I would be throwing away my vote,essentially. I would rather just cast a blank ballot, a dissenting vote. It would be like voting "no" to my choices.


Kaia Sievert said...

Where can I find this test. I know who I'm voting for, but it would be interesting to take it and see what it says.

Unfortunately, I have no advice for you. Perhaps you could identify the top three issues that are important to you and see where the two main candidates stand on those? I don't know. And just because I'm curious, what don't you like about the candidates. Is it an issue of ideas or personality?

Samantha said...


and i think it is a little issues and personality...i don't know...

Samantha said...

haha. So I jus took the quiz again, and put "unsure" and "low importance" for everything but my top three issues, and McCain and Obama came up as 0.00% matches.

Kaia Sievert said...

Thanks a lot. I took the test just for fun and it made me rethink voting. I went and looked up my top choice, and I liked a lot of his ideas. Except the FairTax concept, I don't know what I think about that yet. So now I find myself in the same position as you. Do I vote for someone who won't win and take my vote away from my preferred candidate out the the major two contenders? Perhaps I'll go check out Cynthia McKinney. She already has the woman and the green party going for her...

Well, here are my numbers to compare:
Ralph Nader: 78.26%
Cynthia McKinney: 67.39%
Bob Barr: 57.61%
Barack Obama: 52.17%
Chuck Baldwin: 50%
John McCain: 15.22%

At least I know who I shouldn't vote for...