
updated list of things to do before i die, in no particular order

-read the Bible
-be a foster parent
-rifle whip someone with the butt first, and then the barrel
-jump off of a moving train (possibly onto a moving horse, but horse not necessary to fulfill dream)
-roadtrip from LA to New York, or the other way around
-join the Peace Corps
-learn how to pick a lock
-hot wire a car
-figure out that opening-a-car-door-with-a-coat-hanger trick
-do something important
-visit all 50 states
-fall asleep under the Northern Lights
-go to grad school


Hayley said...

at least not all of those are violent. maybe next year we can do the ny to ca thing. that would be awesome.

Samantha said...

See, I'm really not an entirely violent person, and I will have to manage all of those violent things with the possibility of jail. Staying in front of bars is more important to me than following my dreams. And the road trip...would be expensive...and a couple weeks probably. But if you want to...