
Flight Paterns of the fat birds on the roof of the old building outside of the window that I look through during my Spanish class

There are these wierd chubby birds that have incredibly interestig flight patterns. You may be thinking, "Sam, why are you looking out the window watching these bird, when you should be listening the the drone of the professor?" Well, Kaia, the answer is, my desk faces the window, so when I sit and look in the direction of the desk, I am inadvertenly looking out the window. So, anyway, outside the window I can see the roof of the building across the sidewalk from the building I have Spanish in. It is a nice roof. It is slanted at about 45 degrees, give or take. The shingles are this red curvy thing, like what you would imagine on a Spanish casa. But, back to the birds, there are like 60 of them. They are grey. Pretty ugly. But they are funny. They will all land on the roof, mostly on the peak, but on the slanted part too. Then a few at a time will fly off, and then more and more will fly off. By off, I mean out of my eye sight, because remember, I am looking through a window which I am all the way across the room from. Anyway, pretty soon all the birds are gone. This all happens in about 30 seconds. Then lo and behold, 20 seconds later, all of the birds are back sitting on the roof. It is the most curious thing. They will repeat this ritual like 15 times. Fly away, come back. They aren't eating or anything, because they don't have enough time to go grab a bite and than make it back to the roof in the time that they are gone. Sometimes there is a rebel who doesn't leave with the rest of the group. He is my favorite, the little devil. Anyway, I'm sure you enjoyed that. Tune in next time for some interesting interaction with the crazy squirells.


Kaia said...

*gasp* My name was mentioned!

It made me laugh out loud. Anyway, I'm sorry to say that we do not have crazy birds like that here at Concordia. It makes me sad, I guess. No crazy bird antics to watch. I wonder why they do that? Maybe it is like fat-bird red rover or something.

You have crazy squirrels at your school too?! That's awesome. My campus seems to be home to more squirrels than college students. (So, maybe that is a little exaggerated...) We have two types of squirrels too: the little red squirrels and the big grey squirrels. The best part is that I always see the little, red squirrels chasing the big, grey squirrels. If you look in my mess of pictures on facebook, in the middle you will see a few pictures from a day when me, Kris, and another girl walked around campus trying to get a photo of a squirrel for Kris. Why did she want one? I don't know. Unfortunately, the squirrel association found out what we were doing and they all hid. Twas sad.

Samantha said...

Oh, the squirrels here are crazy about human interaction. They enjoy sitting on the edge of the sidewalk, and wait for you to walk by, so that you pass less than a foot from them. Will they attack you? Will they rub up against your leg like a friendly cat? No one knows...

Adam Waterford said...

Maybe in the same way that you and maybe a couple more were watching the birds, the birds were also people-watching! Well, they also might have felt cozy on the shingled roof and all. The next thing you know, that very roof might already be their own turf!